οι θέσεις εξαντλήθηκαν

The purpose of the seminar is a comprehensive understanding of the multiple role that the lute plays in Cretan music. We will deal with the music of eastern Crete but also with idioms from the rest of the musical traditions of the island, focusing on the first masters and some newer compositions. Emphasis will be placed on the rhythmic education of the instrument during the accompaniment of dances and songs, while at the same time we will attempt to examine its perspectives, through improvisation and techniques, which allow a different viewing and understanding of the lute outside of its traditional role.

  • Date:7/7/2024 10:00 - 12/7/2024 10:00
  • Location Hamezi, Greece (Map)
  • More Info:Teaching hours: 5-6 hours/day


Giannis Linardakis _ Cretan Lute: Roles and Adaptability

Type of seminar: Open - Instrument centered

Participant Level: Open to all levels

Reading sheet music: Not necessary

Teaching hours: 27 hours total  

6 hours/day (10-13/07/2023), 3 hours (14/07/2023)


Giannis Linardakis was born in Peristeri Attica in 1984. He comes from Hamezi, Sitia. He was playing music as an amateur since he was young and in 2008 he started playings and learning the Cretan lute, participating in various seminars and also as a self-taught artist.

Studying the various local idioms of the island's music, he gave particular importance to the role of the lute in the music of Eastern Crete. He studied alongside old instrumentalists from the province of Sitia, with his main influence being Yiannis Stavroulakis (Kantaris) from Hamezi.

In 2012 he started working as a professional musician and since 2018 this is his main occupation. She has participated in various musical performances with the traditional dance and music school "Chorodion", with the "Likio ellinidon" of Sitias and others. He has collaborated with many renowned musicians such as Manolis Papadakis (lyra), Manolis Moshakis (violin), Antonis Leontidis (lyra), Haris Panagiotakis (lyra), Giorgis Psarakis (lute), Michalis Kontaxakis (mandolin), Haris Bakas (percussion) and more. In 2021, he participated in Antonis Leontides' album entitled "Kryfo".